NAWBO-SA Chapter
NAWBO-SA is the preeminent organization for over 53,000+ women business owners in our metropolitan and surrounding areas. For more than a decade, NAWBO-San Antonio has been a valuable resource for women entrepreneurs providing information, programs, and opportunities to network, learn and grow with their peers in San Antonio and across the United States.
NAWBO San Antonio helps propel established women business owners and entrepreneurs by:
Strengthening their leadership skills and accelerating their growth providing the resources, connections and education through our vast array of programs and community.
Recognizing outstanding achievements of women business owners with the distinguished Women Business Owner Awards
Through our High School Mentorship Program, we aim to empower, encourage, and educate young women to explore entrepreneurship through mentorship and financial literacy.
Supporting charities and organizations that help disadvantaged women find meaningful employment.
Building alliances with governmental agencies and non-profit organizations that promote women’s entrepreneurship in the San Antonio area.
Lobbying the local government for policies that improve job equality and best-practices.